writer girl


Can you handle all the girl power?

As a child, I spent my summers in Haven. Running through trees, splashing in creeks, dancing with the fae, and always getting home before the street lights came on.
I grew up. I went out into the world. I went to school, college, traveled, loved and lost ... and loved again. I explored, and due to my sense of adventure with a good dose of curiosity, I traveled down some interesting paths. I went on many journeys I could return home with, and, more importantly, share with others. With each experience, with each success and every failure, my imagination became a little brighter … bigger … more complex.
Now I get to share it all with you. I've sold dozens of movies, written television shows, punched scripts, and even wrote the first e-sports movie. I tried to bring magic to every story I was asked to explore.
Thank you for listening, now tell me your story.

The best way to find me is to either email me through this site, or on social media. I love to talk about all things books, movies, and television so please stop by!
If you're an educator, looking for a copy of the lesson plans or supplemental hand-outs I used, please email and I will send in pdfs or jpegs.